I must agree at some point that losing belly fat has never been easy;I went through a lot in my bid to lose weight and cut down on the stomach fat at the same time. I can't remember how I queried google for "tips on how to lose belly
fat" and every other related term almost on a daily basis. The annoying thing was that I once had six packs back then in school when I stuck to crunches every morning and eating less fatty foods. The inception of stomach fat around my waist gave my a lot of concern and I needed to lose weight. I was doing a little research one of those days and found an interesting piece of article stressing the use of Conjugated Linolic Acid as a good way of cutting down belly fat to a reasonable extent. I really wanted to know what this weight loss process entails and to what extent it would help me lose belly fat in two weeks as I needed to look in shape for our end of the year party coming up there after.
fat" and every other related term almost on a daily basis. The annoying thing was that I once had six packs back then in school when I stuck to crunches every morning and eating less fatty foods. The inception of stomach fat around my waist gave my a lot of concern and I needed to lose weight. I was doing a little research one of those days and found an interesting piece of article stressing the use of Conjugated Linolic Acid as a good way of cutting down belly fat to a reasonable extent. I really wanted to know what this weight loss process entails and to what extent it would help me lose belly fat in two weeks as I needed to look in shape for our end of the year party coming up there after.
Now you might be asking what is conjugated linoleic acid and how can it help me get rid of belly fat? CLA links to a family of plenty isomers of linoleic acid which originate mainly in dairy products and meat. I hope that is not much to understand? Or are you thinking of what isomers are? In time past, scientists in Sweden have given out information about patients taking CLA lose fat, particularly belly fat or abdominal fat. CLA is a special type of fatty acid and can be obtained in the United States withour prescription. I was further intimated that in 2001 a trial was carried out, people who were taking about 4 grams of CLA on a daily basis shed almost 4% of their body fat and cut down their tummy fat over 12 weeks (3 months) with no other dietary or exercise changes. Now don't say 3 months is too far; cutting down on fat takes time and it depends on your dedication and if you have read the last lines clearly it states without any exercise; it could well be lesser with exercise. Now back to CLA; another study in 2004 also revealed that CLA might slightly decrease body fat without changing body mass index. It was also concluded that no side effects were recorded by the use of conjugated linoleic acid. Results for CLA were also positive in three clinical studies with few adverse effects according to Creighton University Medical Hospital.
I know you are probable thinking a 4% reduction of fat is not reasonable but come to think about it, hey! You dropped some flesh and it's imperative for your health. According to Doctors at laval University, Quebec - specialist in abdominal fat study, 5% to 10% reduction in belly fat can trim down the risk of diabetes and heart disease by as much as 60%.
While Conjugated Linoleic Acid mayn not entirely be presented as a total cure for belly fat all by itself, it is undoubtedly one way to target belly fat loss. I strongly believe that if you combine it with the next information I am going to supply you about belly fat then you would be sure to shed considerable amount of fat.
you have some good information here.